July 2024 Goals

July goals and daily notebook entries.


Writing and manuscripts

  1. Revise Mcap2020 manuscript and send to coauthors
  2. Resubmit Mcap2020 manuscript
  3. Revise ceabigr manuscript
  4. Methods for Mcap2023 analysis
  5. Revise E5 results manuscript text
  6. Outline oyster LCO manuscript


  1. E5 data science analysis
  2. Analyze LCO oyster qPCR data
  3. Phenoplate and RLC analyses for Hawaii 2023
  4. Hawaii 2023 lipidomics analysis
  5. Hawaii 2023 metabolomics analysis

Field planning

  1. Budget and approvals for Shedd Cruise trip in August 2024
  2. Project planning with Shayle for Shedd Cruise trip


  1. Plan early August Goose Point survival check
  2. Efforts B/E/D survival and resazurin sampling
  3. Data management - enter size, survival data for 10K
  4. 10K seed experiment and sampling


  1. Provide text for WRAC proposal
  2. NSF Annual Report

Daily Log

July 31

  • E5 sample RNAseq and metabolomics prep work
  • Putnam Lab meeting
  • Meeting with Erin WDFW
  • Shedd project planning

July 30

  • Oyster sampling on campus
  • Lipidomics
  • Oyster data entry and GitHub organization

July 29

  • Oyster sampling on campus

July 26

  • Data science collaboration meeting
  • Reva Atea work
  • Shedd cruise preparation
  • NSF annual report

July 25

  • Meet a Scientist presentation
  • Notebook and data management
  • E5 molecular manuscript comments
  • Shedd trip prep
  • Reva Atea work

July 24

  • 10K Seed experiment: Sample DNA, survival of resazurin batch, data analysis for resazurin, resazurin new batch, prep tubes
  • WRAC edits
  • Meet a Scientist presentation prep
  • Shedd travel planning
  • Meeting with visiting postdoc

July 23

  • 10K Seed experiment: Sample glycogen, survival of resazurin batch, data analysis for resazurin, temperature experiment and sample for RNA
  • WRAC edits
  • Meet a Scientist presentation prep

July 22

  • 10K Seed experiment: Organization, set up, planning resazurin, 1 round of resazurin, labeling tubes, prepare liquid nitrogen
  • WRAC edits
  • Meet a Scientist presentation prep

July 19

  • Ceabigr revisions
  • WRAC text
  • Lipid analyses
  • Oyster sampling plan

July 18

  • Ceabigr revisions
  • WRAC text
  • Lipid analyses
  • Oyster sampling plan
  • Shedd travel planning
  • Fiscal emails and issues
  • Employment planning

July 17

  • Putnam Lab meeting
  • WRAC meeting and grant writing
  • Purchasing and budgeting
  • Travel planning
  • E5 sample planning

July 16

  • UW campus drop off oysters
  • Oyster sampling planning
  • Purchasing

July 15

  • Point Whitney day and oyster work

July 12

  • Mcap2020
  • E5 molecular meeting
  • Ceabigr revisions
  • Employment planning
  • Shedd planning

July 11

  • Mcap2020
  • Planning employment end processes
  • Shedd planning meeting with Shayle
  • Reading papers
  • Diving paperwork for Shedd
  • Oyster data entry and notebooks

July 10

  • Point Whitney field work in AM
  • Mcap2020 work
  • Oyster data entry

July 9

  • Mcap2020 work
  • Yellow Island survey
  • E5 sample organization
  • Oyster data entry
  • Meeting with Steven
  • Meeting with Danielle
Written on July 25, 2024