May 2024 Goals

May goals and daily notebook entries.


Writing and manuscripts

  1. Submit Mcap2021 paper
  2. Draft E5 physiology introduction section
  3. Revise E5 results with updated analysis
  4. Revise Mcap2020 results


  1. DEG analysis of Mcap2023 RNAseq data
  2. Functional enrichment of Mcap2023 RNAseq data
  3. Measure oyster spat size and enter LCO oyster growth
  4. Analyze LCO oyster qPCR
  5. Set up GitHub repos and draw out experimental design for oyster conditioning projects
  6. Re analyze all E5 data using new species identification
  7. Phenoplate and RLC analyses

Sample processing

  1. Larval size photograph analysis for HI 2023
  2. Larval cell density analysis for HI 2023

Field planning

  1. Budget and approvals for Shedd Cruise trip in August 2024


  1. Arrange field day visit with Taylor Shellfish and Nisbet Oyster Co.
  2. Plan outplant for shellfish outplanting late May with Goose Point and Westcott
  3. Outline ongoing efforts for all projects at Point Whitney
  4. Plan June survivorship testing at UW from LCO project


  1. Send NSF NCE request
  2. Submit NSF NCE on


  1. Complete Hawaii SAP report for Putnam Lab

Daily Log

May 31

  • E5 molecular meeting
  • Mcap2021 writing with Hollie
  • Selecting E5 timeseries samples for sequencing

May 30

  • Pubathon
  • Roberts Lab meeting
  • Meeting with Hollie - functional annotations and GO enrichment
  • Planning oyster survival curve project
  • Mcap2020 coding

May 29

  • Field day at Point Whitney

May 28

  • Oyster planning
  • Mcap2020 results analysis
  • NSF budget reconcile
  • HI permit

May 23

  • Meeting with Hollie for Mcap2021 writing
  • Roberts Lab meeting
  • Lipids meeting with Jen and Chris

May 22

  • Point Whitney day, oyster planning

May 21

  • Hollie meeting
  • Hawaii and Moorea permit reporting
  • Mcap2021 and Mcap2020 revisions and data management
  • OSF uploads
  • Meeting with Steven
  • Oyster planning

May 20

  • Mcap2021 and Mcap2020 revisions
  • Hawaii SAP reporting
  • Oyster planning and data entry and analysis

May 17

  • E5 molecular mechanisms meeting
  • Meeting with Jill
  • Transferring sequencing files to backup andromeda location
  • Mcap2021 writing and results
  • Oyster planning

May 16

  • Point Whitney field day

May 15

  • Mcap2021 analysis and writing
  • Putnam Lab meeting
  • JEB report

May 14

  • Mcap2021 analysis and writing
  • Danielle meeting
  • AGU Landing training

May 13

  • Mcap2020 analysis
  • Mcap2021 writing

May 9

  • Mcap2020 analysis

May 8

  • Oyster data entry and analysis
  • Mcap2020 writing
  • RNA functional enrichment analysis

May 7

  • Help Mac at Manchester
  • Deliver animals for ploidy testing at Manchester
  • Oyster data entry and analysis

May 6

  • RNA DESeq analysis
  • Point Whitney field day
  • Permitting meeting with WDFW

May 3

  • E5 molecular meeting
  • RNA DESeq analysis

May 2

  • Roberts Lab pubathon
  • Roberts Lab meeting
  • Oyster data organization and planning
  • Preparing new pH/O2 probe
  • Meeting with Hollie
  • Hawaii permitting report
  • Sent NSF NCE email

May 1

  • Field day at Point Whitney
  • Putnam Lab meeting
  • Mcap2023 DESeq analysis
Written on May 28, 2024