NCBI upload for Montipora capitata larval tolerance ITS2 sequences

This post details NCBI SRA upload of ITS2 sequences for the Montipora capitata larval thermal tolerance project on June 11 2024.

Files will be uploaded to existing BioProject PRJNA1078313 on NCBI SRA.

The metadata for these files is located on the project GitHub repo.

I created a new folder for the NCBI upload and sym linked the files for upload.

cd /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/hawaii_2023_its2

mkdir ncbi_its2_upload
cd ncbi_its2_upload

ln -s /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/hawaii_2023_its2/raw-sequences/*fastq.gz /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/hawaii_2023_its2/ncbi_its2_upload

I followed FTP instructions and make a new upload folder on NCBI called its2_20240611.

ITS2 sequence files were submitted under SRA SUB14527350.

All information added to the Putnam Lab sequence inventory here.

Written on June 11, 2024