Oyster outplant overview

This post shows an overview of oyster outplanting efforts for this summer.

Summer 2024 outplanting overview

Overview of hardening efforts and stocks

We are going to outplant oysters at with commercial partners from efforts B, D, and E.

Effort B: 2023 POGS seed daily hardening

Treatment Number of Animals Approx. Size Current location Identifiers Number Bags Animals per bag Outplant location Notes
Temperature treated 250 10-25 mm Point Whitney “POGS daily seed; silos; right tank” & “POGS seed bags #3 and #4” 5 50 Westcott Size >12 mm
Control 250 10-25 mm Point Whitney “POGS daily seed; silos; middle tank” & “POGS seed bags #1 and #2” 5 50 Westcott Size >12 mm

Animals too small (<12 mm or close to 12 mm in length and/or width) kept in original bags at Point Whitney. These can be used for survivorship curve testing or sampling.

Effort D: 2023 POGS small seed weekly hardening

Treatment Number of Animals Approx. Size Current location Identifiers Number Bags Animals per bag Outplant location Notes
Temperature treated (Tray 1) 600 15-30mm Point Whitney Outdoor trays 6 100 Westcott  
Control (Tray 2) 600 15-30mm Point Whitney Outdoor trays 6 100 Westcott  
Temperature treated (Tray 3) 500 15-30mm Point Whitney Outdoor trays 5 100 Westcott  
Control (Tray 4) 500 15-30mm Point Whitney Outdoor trays 5 100 Westcott  

Animals left over (small size or extras) kept in original trays at Point Whitney. These can be used for survivorship curve testing or sampling.

Effort E: 2023 POGS large seed weekly hardening

Treatment Number of Animals Approx. Size Current location Identifiers Number Bags Animals per bag Outplant location Notes
Temperature treated 400 18-35mm Point Whitney Outdoor trays (“large POGS”) 4 100 Goose Point Can increase density if more available
Control (temperature tray) 300 18-35mm Point Whitney Outdoor trays (“large POGS”) 3 100 Goose Point Can increase density if more available
Fresh treated 400 14-30mm Point Whitney Outdoor trays (“large POGS”) 4 100 Goose Point Can increase density if more available
Control (fresh tray) 300 14-30mm Point Whitney Outdoor trays (“large POGS”) 3 100 Goose Point Can increase density if more available


Site Effort B Bags Effort D Bags Effort E Bags TOTAL
Westcott 10 22 0 32
Goose Point 0 0 14 14

Total animals outplanted at Westcott = 2,700

Total animals outplanted at Goose Point (expected): 1,400

Site information

Goose Point

  • Bags: Seapa baskets (12 mm size) - 15 L volume
    • 15 bags available for our use
  • Date of outplant: June 24-25
    • Pick up from Point Whitney on June 24, deliver to Goose Point on June 25
  • Contact: Kathleen Nisbet
  • Tags: Metal stamp tags used at Goose Point
    • Also bring our own PVC keys to add to bags as secondary identification
  • Temperature loggers: Deploy n=5 with bags in representative areas


  • Bags: Rack style 1/4” (6mm) bags
  • Date of outplant: June 7
    • Pick up from Point Whitney week of June 7, organize hand-off in Seattle or other pick up point
  • Contact: Chas Lawson
  • Tags: Tags available at farm
  • 32 bags total on 8 racks (4 bags per rack)
  • Temperature loggers: Deploy n=5-8 with bags in representative areas

Next steps

  1. Perform lab survivorship testing from Efforts B, D, and E with leftover/small samples
  2. Take samples for RNA/DNA/frozen for any assays we might want to run on these groups for mechanistic work
Written on June 4, 2024