Plans for USDA seed transfers in 2025

Today we talked with Neil Thompson at USDA to plan seed transfers for 2025.


Our goal for the WSG project is to stress harden multiple families with varying OsHV-1 resilience and outplant to the field. We would like to conduct hardening trials in spring 2025 and outplant early summer 2025 with monitoring thorough fall 2025.


Plan A

Our first and most likely option for receiving seed from the USDA is to ship approx. 200 oysters per family (they have 80 families - we wont use that many!) in late March-early April 2025.

There will be testing and field data from these families, so conducting hardening would be a nice complement to existing data.

To do this, we will need to arrange for health testing and shipment permitting.

Plan B

If they conduct a spawn in early 2025 (condition Feb-March, spawn April), we could receive seed <5mm by June-July 2025.

We may proceed with both plan A and B depending on how things go.

Next steps

We will all touch base in a few weeks to finalize shipment plans.

We may also send them some of our unused HUDLs.

Written on November 26, 2024