Plotting temperature logger data for oyster field sites
This post shows plots from temperature loggers for oyster field sites and outplant sites.
GitHub repositories for these projects can be found at the following locations:
The plots produced from these scripts can be found for each project in the oyster stress hardening projects and 10K seed hardening project.
Point Whitney loggers
We have several groups at Point Whitney:
- LCO = lifestage carry over project. These are oysters growing out after the temperature hardening conducted by Eric earlier this year.
- Outdoor = logger in one of the 10-holer tanks accompanying oysters from Pacific Hybreed and Efforts B, D, E, and F.
- Broodstock = USDA broodstock held in outdoor 10-holer tanks
- Trays = 2024 USDA seed held in outdoor health trays
Overall, all groups in outdoor trays (efforts B/E/D, LCO, and broodstock) experienced very similar temperatures. Trays with 2024 seed were cooler. Summer temps peaked in late July around 26-27°C.
Note that trays were moved to a new stack in August and that is why we see a drop in temperature at this time point.
Westcott loggers
Overall, loggers at Westcott show huge swings in temperature with maximum temperatures above 40°C and low temperatures at approximately 10°C.
Goose Point loggers
Overall, loggers at Goose Point are much more stable than Westcott with maximum temperatures reaching 30°C and minimum closer to 11-12°C.
10K Seed loggers
In the lagoon, temperatures reached a max of about 25-26°C in late July with a minimum around 15°C.