Pocillopora Larval Collection June 2021

Post describing Pocillopora larval collection for collaborative projects with Carneige and Rutgers in June 2021.

Colony collection


Collected 14 Pocillopora acuta colonies <20cm diameter off Point Lab with Debashish B. and Phil Cleves labs 1200-1300

Placed in clean black tanks n=7 per tank, labeled, at ambient temperature under 2 layers of shade cloth.

Built manifold to supply water to colonies in collection bowls emptied into mesh collection cups. Adults placed into bowls each evening with larvae collected each morning.

Pocillopora set up

Launched Hobo logger in each tank at 1500.

Larval collection

Larvae collected each morning, not enough larvae for larval temperature experiment, so larvae were sampled by other laboratory for additional projects.

Adults retured to HIMB reef on 6/29/2021.

Written on September 2, 2021