Field day at Point Whitney July 15 2024

This post details activities at Point Whitney from 15 July 2024.


Today I ran the weekly broodstock stressor and picked up oysters to bring to UW tomorrow.

Probe measurements

Measurements are on GitHub here.

Stressor measurements are on GitHub here.

Broodstock weekly stressors

Broodstock from bags 99 and 100 were added to a bucket with fresh water from 11:00-11:30.

Taking oysters for UW

I collected all bags for Effort E (n=4 bags), Effort D (n=4 bags), and Effort B (n=4 bags) seed to take to UW tomorrow.

I also counted out 150 seed from each of the 10 bags of 10K seed from all treatments and put in new seed bags to take to UW.

10K seed stressor

I exposed the 10K seed immune treatment to the existing PolyIC solution from 11:00-13:00.

Written on July 15, 2024