Field day at Point Whitney June 28 2024

This post details activities at Point Whitney from 28 June 2024.


Today Kathleen and I were at Point Whitney to run a round of stressors on Kathleen’s triploid/diploid experiment and conduct stressors on broodstock and new seed.

Checking on larvae

I checked on the larvae today and dropped all HUDLs onto a 40um screen. I looked for larvae and saw very few, we likely lost most of the larvae.

I cleaned all HUDLs and put larvae back in. I also increased water flow to all HUDLs to be equal and turned up the water to the header to meet the demand.

Fluorometry measurments in HUDLs were 1, 2, and 2 when I came in at 11:00. This is likely because the food header was empty. I filled it and at 15:00 the levels were at 24, 32, and 30!

Probe measurements

Weekly tank measurements:

tank date time temp.C pH.nbs sal.psu initials notes
HUDL 6/28/24 11:15 26.1 8.13 30.37 ash larvae
HUDL 6/28/24 11:15 26.2 8.13 30.38 ash larvae
HUDL 6/28/24 11:15 26.3 8.14 30.36 ash larvae
upweller 6/28/24 11:15 19.4 7.56 28.84 ash effort C
upweller 6/28/24 11:15 19.6 7.47 29.07 ash broodstock
upweller 6/28/24 11:15 19 7.54 28.93 ash efforts BED
outdoor_tray 6/28/24 11:15 15.2 7.62 29.2 ash left stack
outdoor_tray 6/28/24 11:15 16.7 7.59 29.29 ash right stack
dock 6/28/24 11:15 18.9 7.62 29.29 ash seed

Measurements are on GitHub here.

Stressor treatments (see below for more info):

treatment date time temp.C pH.nbs sal.psu initials notes
fresh 6/28/24 12:00 16.8 7.59 0.374 ash broodstock
fresh 6/28/24 12:00 14.2 8.07 0.522 ash seed
temperature 35C 6/28/24 12:20 33.8 7.64 31.03 ash right tank
temperature 35C 6/28/24 12:50 34.1 7.67 30.85 ash right tank
temperature 35C 6/28/24 13:20 34.3 7.69 31.41 ash right tank
temperature 35C 6/28/24 15:00 35.1 7.75 31.32 ash right tank
fresh temperature 25C 6/28/24 01:07 32.7 8.29 0.164 ash bucket
fresh temperature 25C 6/28/24 01:20 35 8.24 0.419 ash bucket

Stressor measurements are on GitHub here.

Broodstock weekly stressors

Broodstock from bags 99 and 100 were added to a bucket with fresh water from 11:43-12:13.

Kathleen’s stressors and stressors for new seed

Today we did stressors for Kathleen’s experiment by increasing temperature in the right tank to 35°C with a few inches of water. We had some electrical overload problems, so we ultimately did this using 1 800W heater and 2 300-500W heaters. All heaters were add to the 35°C tank to get it up to temperature. Then, one heater was put back in the larval tank set to 28°C and one went into a bucket of fresh water to heat to 35°C.

We did the following stressors:

  1. Kathleen: Diploid and triploid groups at 35°C in seawater for 4 hours (bags 60 and 65). Done from 12:12-16:00.
  2. New PW seed: Freshwater for 1 hour in a bucket. Done from 11:45-12:46.
  3. New PW seed: 35°C seawater for 1 hour in the right tank. Done from 12:33-13:33.
  4. New PW seed: 35°C freshwater for 1 hour in a heated bucket. Done from 13:07-14:07.

There are 10 total bags of seed with ~1K seed each sourced form Point Whitney commercial hatchery. Here are the bags inventoried with their treatments. We did the temperature and fresh treatments today and will do immune treatments once we decide on methods. Steven has a post about these seed here.

Kathleen’s bag inventory and new seed inventory:

cattle_tag effort treatment_type treatment family source tag_description location
45 KD 2 week temperature Triploid Control Bird Pacific Hybreed Triploid Control Outdoor upweller; Point Whitney
60 KD 2 week temperature Triploid Treated Bird Pacific Hybreed Triploid Treated Outdoor upweller; Point Whitney
64 KD 2 week temperature Diploid Control 13 Pacific Hybreed Diploid Control Outdoor upweller; Point Whitney
65 KD 2 week temperature Diploid Treated 13 Pacific Hybreed Diploid Treatment Outdoor upweller; Point Whitney
66 PW Bulk Seed 2 week stressors Treated FW PW Seed PW UW-SR26 Dock lagoon; Point Whitney
56 PW Bulk Seed 2 week stressors Treated FW PW Seed PW UW-SR6 Dock lagoon; Point Whitney
36 PW Bulk Seed 2 week stressors Control PW Seed PW UW-SR27 Dock lagoon; Point Whitney
37 PW Bulk Seed 2 week stressors Control PW Seed PW UW-SR30 Dock lagoon; Point Whitney
50 PW Bulk Seed 2 week stressors Immune PW Seed PW UW-SR23 Dock lagoon; Point Whitney
49 PW Bulk Seed 2 week stressors Immune PW Seed PW UW-SR30 Dock lagoon; Point Whitney
47 PW Bulk Seed 2 week stressors Treated 35C PW Seed PW UW-SR14 Dock lagoon; Point Whitney
30 PW Bulk Seed 2 week stressors Treated 35C PW Seed PW UW-SR18 Dock lagoon; Point Whitney
75 PW Bulk Seed 2 week stressors Treated FW35C PW Seed PW UW-SR5 Dock lagoon; Point Whitney
76 PW Bulk Seed 2 week stressors Treated FW35C PW Seed PW UW-SR21 Dock lagoon; Point Whitney

Here is the schedule of the stressor treatments with cattle tag numbers for each.

F June 28 M July 1 W July 3 F July 5 M July 8
4 hour 35 ploidy (60, 65) 4 hour 35 ploidy (60, 65) 4 hour 35 ploidy (60, 65) 4 hour 35 ploidy (60, 65) 4 hour 35 ploidy (60, 65)
1 hour 35 seed (47, 30) 1 hour 35 seed (47, 30) 1 hour 35 seed (47, 30) 1 hour 35 seed (47, 30) 1 hour 35 seed (47, 30)
1 hour FW seed (66, 56) 1 hour FW seed (66, 56) 1 hour FW seed (66, 56) 1 hour FW seed (66, 56) 1 hour FW seed (66, 56)
1 hour FW 35 (75, 76) 1 hour FW 35 (75, 76) 1 hour FW 35 (75, 76) 1 hour FW 35 (75, 76) 1 hour FW 35 (75, 76)
Check larval survival and drop HUDLS Tank probe measurements Tank probe measurements 30 min FW Broodstock stress (99, 100) Tank probe measurements
30 min FW Broodstock stress (99, 100)     Tank probe measurements  
Tank probe measurements        

This updated tag inventory is on GitHub here.

I also launched a logger SN 22023399 to log temperature every 15 minutes starting on 6/28/2024 at 14:00. This was zip tied onto one of the dock bags for the new seed.

During stressors, control oysters were left at their respective tank locations. Stressed oysters were returned to locations after stressor.

Notebook images

Written on June 28, 2024