Field day at Point Whitney Preparing Outplants June 24 2024

This post details activities at Point Whitney from 24 June 2024 to prepare Goose Point outplants.


Today I went to Point Whitney to check larvae, take probe measurements, and prepare Goose Point outplants.

Checking on larvae

I checked on the larvae today that Steven and Carrie put in the HUDLs last week. I poured the contents of one HUDL onto a 40um screen and rinsed the larvae into a small volume.

I then viewed the larvae under the scope.

They are alive! There is a range of sizes and they have some algae in their gut. They could definitely be feeding more. Fluorescence measurements were between 2 and 4 in the HUDLs today. I increased the pump rate from 25 to 40. Steven will check the readings tomorrow to see if it has increased.

I estimated about 40-50K larvae in the one HUDL that I dropped. Larvae were returned to the HUDL. Temperatures look good.

I added EDTA at 1g/1000L concentration at 11:30. I mixed 0.2g EDTA with some hot fresh water, mixed, and added to our 55 gallon header (208 L).

Probe measurements

Weekly tank measurements:

tank date time temp.C pH.nbs sal.psu initials notes
HUDL 6/24/24 10:45 27.6 8.1 30.62 ash larvae
HUDL 6/24/24 10:45 27.9 8.07 30.55 ash larvae
HUDL 6/24/24 10:45 27.6 8.09 30.4 ash larvae
upweller 6/24/24 10:45 18.6 7.63 29.17 ash effort C
upweller 6/24/24 10:45 18.5 7.65 29.13 ash broodstock
upweller 6/24/24 10:45 18.9 7.63 29.12 ash efforts BED
outdoor_tray 6/24/24 10:45 16.8 7.61 29.2 ash left stack
outdoor_tray 6/24/24 10:45 15.1 7.64 29.42 ash right stack

Measurements are on GitHub here.

Stressor treatments (see broodstock info below):

treatment date time temp.C pH.nbs sal.psu initials
fresh 6/24/24 10:45 16.9 8.39 0.228 ash
control 6/24/24 10:45 16.5 8.09 30.12 ash
fresh 6/24/24 10:45 15.7 8.51 0.198 ash

Stressor measurements are on GitHub here.

Broodstock stressors

I stressed the treated broodstock oysters that I started last week. I added them to fresh water (see probe measurements above) from 10:30-11:00. There was no mortality from stressing them last week. The control oysters from the same families were kept indoors at ambient conditions during the exposure. Returned to upwellers.

An updated tag inventory is on GitHub here.

Prepping for Goose Point outplants

Today I took all oysters out of their seed bags for Effort E seed for outplanting at Goose Point. I was able to get a maximum of 100 seed per bag for a total of 14 bags. I then set out each set of 100 with their bag tag and took a photo with a scale for size measurements. I was able to get n=3 bags for all treatments, except for the fresh water control, which had more oysters and I was able to get n=6 bags.

The oysters were then kept in a cooler with ice for transport to Goose Point tomorrow! Field tags will be added to this table tomorrow when we outplant and attach tags. I’ll also take the temperature loggers that I started last week.

bag effort treatment source_cattle_tag field_cattle_tag number_oysters photo_taken  
UW-SR33 Effort E Weekly Temperature Control 1   100 yes  
UW-SR34 Effort E Weekly Temperature Control 1   100 yes  
UW-SR35 Effort E Weekly Temperature Control 1   100 yes  
UW-SR36 Effort E Weekly Temperature Treated 20   100 yes  
UW-SR37 Effort E Weekly Temperature Treated 20   100 yes  
UW-SR38 Effort E Weekly Temperature Treated 20   100 yes  
UW-SR39 Effort E Weekly Fresh Water Control 24   100 yes  
UW-SR40 Effort E Weekly Fresh Water Control 24   100 yes  
UW-SR41 Effort E Weekly Fresh Water Control 24   100 yes  
UW-SR42 Effort E Weekly Fresh Water Control 24   100 yes  
UW-SR43 Effort E Weekly Fresh Water Control 24   100 yes  
UW-SR44 Effort E Weekly Fresh Water Treated 23   100 yes  
UW-SR45 Effort E Weekly Fresh Water Treated 23   100 yes  
UW-SR46 Effort E Weekly Fresh Water Treated 23   100 yes  

Here are example images of what I took for size measurements for all oysters in each bag:

Data for Goose Point outplanting is on GitHub here.

Images for sizes for all Goose Point outplants is on GitHub here.

Notebook images

Written on June 24, 2024