Preparing Westcott outplants at Point Whitney on June 4 2024

This post details activities at Point Whitney from 4 June 2024 and preparation of oysters for outplanting at Westcott on 7 June 2024.


Today we went to Point Whitney to prepare outplants for Westcott and conduct another round of weekly stressors.

Weekly probe measurements

AH took weekly measurements at 12:00. The only tank with oysters running is the left tank. Fluorometry measurements were 8 in this tank and 5 in the larval silos. We did not do any pulse feeding, Ariana topped off the food reservoir with full concentration food (2 buckets full).

Environmental measurements

tank date time temp.C pH.nbs sal.psu initials notes
left 6/4/24 12:00 14.8 8.17 29.74 ash tank
outdoor_tray 6/4/24 12:00 15 7.87 28.7 ash large POGS
outdoor_tray 6/4/24 12:00 14.8 7.73 28.67 ash small POGS
upweller 6/4/24 12:00 15.7 7.83 28.3 ash common holding tank for all oysters

Weekly stressors

We conducted weekly temperature and fresh water stressors on Effort D and Effort E oysters from 11:55-12:25.

Conditions in the fresh water stress were:

  • Temperature (C) = 15.7
  • Salinity (psu) = 0.114
  • pH (nbs) = 7.97

Conditions in the temperature stress were:

  • Temperature (C) = 24.5
  • Salinity (psu) = 29.75
  • pH (nbs) = 7.67

Field outplant preparation - Westcott

Our overview document can be found here with information on specific Efforts.

Westcott has 32 available bags with 1/4” / 6 mm mesh for us to use for outplanting. We will fill these with available oysters from our thermal hardening efforts.

Effort B

We brought in oysters from Effort B (daily thermal hardening POGS seed) and sorted them into oysters that were too small for outplanting in 6 mm / 1/4” bags. We did this by separating oysters > 8-10 mm in both length and width from those that were < 8-10 mm in both length and width to ensure they wouldn’t drop out of the bags.

We then counted the total number from each treatment group (treated and control). Our goal was to get 10 total bags from this effort - 5 control and 5 treated.

To fill these bags, we will stock at a density of 50 animals per bag. We are not able to stock at 100 animals per bag because we did not have enough individuals that were large enough.

The remaining oysters that were too small will be left for other sampling (listed below).

We then counted oysters into individual tripour cups with 50 animals per cup totaling 5 groups of 50 per treatment. We then measured maximum length (mm) with a digital caliper for 15-20 individuals per bag to get an initial size estimate (data described below).

The animals were then put into an orange bag with a tag number. “UW-SR1” through “UW-SR5” for control and “UW-SR6” through “UW-SR10” for treated. We added a wet storage tag to the outside and inside of each bag with this tag number. The master list of tag numbers is below.

This resulted in 250 control and 250 treated animals in 10 bags ready for outplanting.

Effort D

We followed the same proceedure with oysters from Effort D weekly POGS seed temperature. We removed those that were too small, counted the ones that were left, and divided them among the remaining available bags. We stocked at a density of 100 animals per bag (they were much bigger than Effort B) with 11 bags of control animals (5-6 bags each from the duplicate treatment trays) and 11 bags of treated (5-6 bags each from the duplicate treatment trays).

We did size measurements on these as well and have some left over to do more things with!

Size measurements

We took measurements of maximum length (n=15 oysters measured per bag) as an initial size measurement for each outplant bag. The size data is recorded on GitHub here.

Grace is going to add size measurements to this when they outplant later this week.

Bags for outplanting

All bags were put in the outdoor tanks for holding until outplanting.

Steven is going to come pick up the oysters on Thursday the 6th and take to Westcott on Friday the 7th. The bags are bundled in three groups and labeled UW-SR1 to UW-SR32. They are in our same upweller tank on the right hand side.

They can be packaged with ice packs and wet paper towels with bubble wrap to keep the oysters from sitting directly on the ice packs. The cooler is next to the indoor white tanks.

Tag metadata and overview

All data is on GitHub here.

Here is our final table of tag metadata for outplanting at Westcott:

tag number.animals effort description treatment site date.deployed size.range length. Treatment notes
UW-SR1 50 Effort B POGS 2023 seed daily temperature hardening Control Westcott 20240607 12-20 mm 2 months  
UW-SR2 50 Effort B POGS 2023 seed daily temperature hardening Control Westcott 20240607 12-20 mm 2 months  
UW-SR3 50 Effort B POGS 2023 seed daily temperature hardening Control Westcott 20240607 12-20 mm 2 months  
UW-SR4 50 Effort B POGS 2023 seed daily temperature hardening Control Westcott 20240607 12-20 mm 2 months  
UW-SR5 50 Effort B POGS 2023 seed daily temperature hardening Control Westcott 20240607 12-20 mm 2 months  
UW-SR6 50 Effort B POGS 2023 seed daily temperature hardening Treated Westcott 20240607 12-20 mm 2 months  
UW-SR7 50 Effort B POGS 2023 seed daily temperature hardening Treated Westcott 20240607 12-20 mm 2 months  
UW-SR8 50 Effort B POGS 2023 seed daily temperature hardening Treated Westcott 20240607 12-20 mm 2 months  
UW-SR9 50 Effort B POGS 2023 seed daily temperature hardening Treated Westcott 20240607 12-20 mm 2 months  
UW-SR10 50 Effort B POGS 2023 seed daily temperature hardening Treated Westcott 20240607 12-20 mm 2 months  
UW-SR11 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Control Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR12 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Control Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR13 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Control Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR14 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Control Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR15 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Control Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR16 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Control Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR17 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Control Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR18 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Control Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR19 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Control Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR20 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Control Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR21 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Control Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR22 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Treated Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR23 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Treated Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR24 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Treated Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR25 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Treated Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR26 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Treated Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR27 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Treated Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR28 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Treated Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR29 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Treated Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR30 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Treated Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR31 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Treated Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  
UW-SR32 100 Effort D POGS 2023 small seed weekly temperature hardening Treated Westcott 20240607 15-35 mm 3 months  

Ariana sent this information to Matt H. at Point Whitney for their transfer permit to allow us to transfer to Westcott.

Oysters leftover from Efforts B and D that can be used for other sampling

We have 100-300 oysters left over or that were too small to outplant from Efforts B and D. Here are my ideas of things we could do:

  • Survivorship curve testing (as we want to do for the LCO project) in the lab to get acute stress test information
  • Sampling for metabolic assays and enzyme assays in the lab
  • Sampling for resazurin metabolic rate assays
  • Sampling for RNA/DNA, metabolomics, lipids, proteomics, etc. to keep in the freezer in case we want to work with these later on

We can make a plan in the next few weeks for these ideas.

Launching loggers for field outplant

I launched 5 loggers that Grace will add to a subset of bags to monitor temperature conditions in the outplants at Westcott.

logger date.launched time.launched date.deployed site model interval notes
22023412 20240606 08:00 20240607 Westcott Hobo Tidbit MX Temp 5000 15 min  
22023401 20240606 08:00 20240607 Westcott Hobo Tidbit MX Temp 5000 15 min  
22023396 20240606 08:00 20240607 Westcott Hobo Tidbit MX Temp 5000 15 min  
22023405 20240606 08:00 20240607 Westcott Hobo Tidbit MX Temp 5000 15 min  
22023393 20240606 08:00 20240607 Westcott Hobo Tidbit MX Temp 5000 15 min  

Receiving new seed from USDA POGS program

Today we received a shipment of 5,000 seed from each of 5 families from the USDA from Newport, OR. The seed looked good upon arrival (<24 hour shipping). The families are as follows:

We will move these seed into Heath trays in the next couple of weeks to start them growing. For now, they are in the left hand tank.

Notebook images

To do next week

  • Download remaining Apex data
  • Add air lines to HUDLs and reconfigure air system
  • Weekly probe measurements
  • Start broodstock stress
  • Reconfigure feeding to deliver more food to system
  • Plan out sampling for LCO and Effort left over oysters
Written on June 4, 2024