Upcoming oyster projects and to do lists

This post list upcoming oyster projects and next stages for our reference.

Upcoming oyster project ideas

Overview of hardening efforts and stocks


  1. Survivorship curve testing on adult, seed, and spat lifestages
  2. Final growth measurements on adult, seed, and spat lifestages

Effort A

  1. Growth and survivorship assessment in the field (Point Whitney)

Effort B

  1. Growth and survivorship assessment in the field (Westcott, Grace L.)
  2. Survivorship curve testing with remaining individuals at Point Whitney
  3. Sampling remaining individuals at Point Whitney for molecular or metabolic assays/sequencing

Effort C

Unsure what to do next with the Pacific Hybreed hardened cohorts (orange and blue). Orange is triploid, blue is tetraploid. Should discuss what we want to do with control vs treated adult families of these two cohorts.

Effort D

  1. Growth and survivorship assessment in the field (Westcott, Grace L.)
  2. Survivorship curve testing with remaining individuals at Point Whitney
  3. Sampling remaining individuals at Point Whitney for molecular or metabolic assays/sequencing

Effort E

  1. Growth and survivorship assessment in the field (Goose Point) - outplant late June
  2. Survivorship curve testing with remaining individuals at Point Whitney
  3. Sampling remaining individuals at Point Whitney for molecular or metabolic assays/sequencing

Effort F

  1. Start broodstock stress and conditioning in preparation for spawning. We need to decide on hardening treatments that won’t induce spawning.
  2. Spawn individuals.
  3. Rear larvae and conduct stressor experiments if we can keep alive.

New 2024 POGS Seed

  1. Grow out seed in heath trays for use in next set of experiments
  2. Decide on next set of experiments based on current year results.
Written on June 4, 2024